imigration visas

Categoría: Finanzas y seguros
Fecha: 04/05/2013 00:00:00
Visitas: 3001


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I just read where are american goverment is giving the philippines $172,000,000 dollars in foreighn aid. this is ok buy i ask, what does the philippine imigration treat americans so bad? we are only allowed 21 day stay and then must get visa extension and cost an american 3030 pesos. alos we are charged a 500 peso fee for passport check, which is done at customd at time of aariva;. then we charge with 1000 peso fee for imediate service charge when it is very easy to return to imgration office to pick up visa extension.; I think its about time the phil;ippine goverment give us american tourist better visa rights. also my wife fil;ipina and i can get acr 1 cardc but here again extra cost. I have visited philippines 9 times in past 4 yeard and have paid over $500.00 in extension fees/ On April 2012 i read i9n philippine star that philippine tourist group sn have more fun in the philippines. aslostated in star the there was extension from 21 days to 30 and retires would be able to stayt 6 months with visa extensions. We americans have protcted philippine island for years, look ay clark cemtary several americans kill in WWII buried there. i ask philippine govedrment in light all the help my tax paid dollars go toward the support of foreighn aid to philippines, lets show respect for us american and grant us better visa rule.

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