tours machupicchu

Categoría: Viajes
Fecha: 10/09/2012 12:57:07
Visitas: 2045


Goodgame Big Farm

Administra tu propia granja

Goodgame Empire

Construye tu propio imperio


Inca Discovery Peru is committed to promoting and organizing projects within the community in Peru. Although tourism plays a vital role in contributing to Peru's economy and providing employment many people and communities aren't sharing in any of the financial gains. Although our projects are operated on a small scale with very little capital investment we hope that successful ideas will be adopted by some of the larger international tour operators to the mutual benefit of both local villagers and the visitor alike.

inca discovery peru project

inca discovery peru works in association with inca-textiles in chinchero,Inca Discovery Peru is carrying out projects in the native indigenous communities in the region surrounding cusco. Our purpose is, to organize craftsmen and craftswomen in their communities, to improve, the economic conditions, and promotion responsible tourism and the preservation of cultural identity in the regions of cusco, like offering specialty workshops to the young people so they can learn from the elder andean weavers

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